Region 5 Hall of Fame

2024 Region 5 Hall of Fame 

The “Spirit of the Midwest Hall of Fame” award is given each year to recognize a member who has had a profound impact on all of us in Region 5, earning our admiration and respect through their impact at the regional and/or international level.  These Sweet Adelines give selflessly of their time, talents and expertise for the love and joy of barbershop singing and this organization. This year’s selection committee consisted of three recent recipients of this award:  Judy Kaeser, Beth Hager and me, Kris DeWeese.  Beth Hager also served as the RMT representative on the selection committee.  We received several wonderful nominations for consideration and are pleased to announce this year’s Hall of Fame recipient is Mary Kammeyer of Cedar Harmony Chorus.

           Mary Kammeyer

Like many regional leaders, Mary, a 35-year member of Sweet Adelines, has also served her chorus in many capacities. Serving as a board member, including board President, competition chair, communications leader, her chorus describes her as their frequent sounding board and their "Go To" person when something needs done. Mary sings bass, but one chorus member described her as the "base", the foundation of their chorus.

Mary has served Region 5 on the RMT as the Communications Coordinator for the past 5 years.  In that role she led the efforts to implement the current website and has been responsible for all aspects of its maintenance. She manages all correspondence with the Region 5 members and International on behalf of the RMT, oversees the Region’s Facebook page, and publishes the quarterly Take 5 newsletter as well as being the main point of contact for our members’ inquiries.  In addition to her role on the RMT, Mary has also served as the Registration Chair of the RCSC and for regional Music Schools and webinars for the past 5 years.  

Her positive attitude, diligence, practicality, willingness to assist whenever requested, her desire to do and be what is best for her chorus and this region make her a very worthy recipient of this honor.