Region 5 Faculty

Spirit of the Midwest Region 5

Regional Faculty

Kay Bromert

Member of Kansas City Chorus
Certified Arranger, International Music Arrangers Program Coordinator
Sweet Adelines International - Approved Music Judge
Certified Director

Kay Bromert

Kay has a degree in music and spent several years as a music teacher. She is a Certified Music Arranger (CMA) in Sweet Adelines and is currently serving as the Moderator for the Arranger Certification Program Coordinators Committee, an International appointment. She has also been a church pianist and organist for many years, and she was a Sweet Adeline chorus director for about four years, including a year directing a multi-lingual prospective chorus in Peru, South America. She has been a Sweet Adeline since 1976 and has been arranging almost that long! She lives in Urbandale, Iowa, and currently sings baritone with the Kansas City ChorusKay is an Approved Judge in the Music Category in Sweet Adelines

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Music Arranging
  • Music Category/Interpretation/Performance
  • Coaching quartets & small choruses
  • Available to 'advise' on music choices and fixing arrangements
  • Music choices / legal issues

Mary Duncan

Member of  Kansas City Chorus
Mary Duncan
Biography: Mary has been a member of Sweet Adelines International since 2010, when she joined the Kansas City Chorus at 12 years old. Since then, she has gone on to compete in various quartets at the regional and international level.

She is the baritone of the 2014 International Rising Star Champion Quartet and the 2019 Sweet Adelines International Champion Quartet, ClassRing.

Mary enjoys traveling, teaching, coaching, and performing for audiences all over the United States and abroad. She is a third generation barbershopper and is honored to share the love of 4-part harmony with her mom, Michelle, tenor of Zing! the 2010 Queens of Harmony, as well as her late grandmother, bass extraordinaire, Pat Duncan.

Outside of music, Mary holds a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and a Masters in Biomedical Engineering. She works as a chemist and lives in Lawrence, KS, with her partner, Clara, and their pets.

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Coaching quartets and chorues
  • Vocal production

Diane Huber

Retired Master Director of River Blenders Chorus
Master Faculty Member for Region 5

Diane Huber

Biography:  Diane was introduced to Sweet Adelines in 1972. Since that wonderful beginning, Diane has served on the regional faculty, the Regional Board of Directors, and the International Board of Directors. As a member of the International Board, she served as Secretary, President Elect, President. Diane has also served as Chair of the Education Direction Committee. 

Throughout her 52+ years as a Sweet Adeline, she has coached choruses and quartets throughout the world. Diane is the bass in the 1986 Queens of Harmony
Quartet, Ambiance. She began directing the River Blenders Chorus in 1989.

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Coaching choruses and quartets
  • Vocal performance skills
  • Directing skills
  • Vocal production / unit sound

Michelle Hunget

Master Director for Kansas City Chorus
Master Faculty Member for Region 5

Michelle Hunget

Michelle is a Queen of Harmony, reaching that Sweet Adelines peak in 2009 as the tenor of her quartet, Zing! She was the tenor of HEAT in 2014 when they became the 4th place International Finalist Quartet. She is a member of the Coronet Club Board.

At the Regional level, Michelle has won nine times singing in four championship quartets: Plaza Lights in 1992, 1993 and 1994; Fanfare in 2001; Zing! in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005; and HEAT in 2013.  She served as the Region 5 Young Women in Harmony Co-Coordinator with her daughter, Mary Duncan, and has been a YWIH Chorus director. Michelle and her husband, Grant, were half of the quartet. Date Night, which was the 2018 Mixed Quartet Champion of the Central States District of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

Michelle joined Kansas City Chorus in 1986 and has served on the Leadership Team, the Music Team and the Choreography Team, and has been Tenor Section Leader and a Front Row member.  In 2016, she brought her musical passion to the position of Artistic Director. At the International level, she became an approved candidate judge in the Visual Communication category.

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Coaching choruses and quartets
  • Vocal performance skills
  • Directing skills
  • Vocal production / unit sound
  • Visual / choreography

Susan Ives

Retired Master Director of Topeka Acappella Unlimited Chorus
Susan Ives

Biography: Many years of music teaching experience, Director of TAU for 25 years, interest in promoting growth in the barbershop
craft for both groups and individuals. Two-time International Queen of Harmony (lead, Classic Edition and Zing!),
2017 International 9th place quartet medalists (lead, PIZZAZZ!)

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Coaching choruses and quartets
  • Sound and Expression Coaching
  • Studied JCDB Handbook of Judging Categories

Robert Mance

Master Director of Vocal Standard Chorus
Master Faculty Member for Region 5

Rob Mance

Biography: Robert has been directing Vocal Standard (VS) since its inception in 2015. Under his direction, VS quickly gained popularity and grew tremendously in musical excellence earning many regional awards and most recently earning 10th place at the 2023 Sweet Adelines International Chorus Competition. Robert is also the musical director of the 2nd place International medalist men's chorus, Central Standard.

Robert completed the coursework for a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting at the University of Kansas, where he has been conductor of the Oread Consort. He served as Director of Music at the Shawnee Presbyterian  Church in Shawnee, KS. Before starting his studies at KU, Robert most recently served as Interim Director of Choral Activities and Interim Voice Area Director at William Jewell College in Liberty, MO. Robert completed his undergraduate studies at McGill University in Montreal, QC in voice performance, and completed his graduate studies at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ in choral conducting and voice pedagogy.

He is an active clinician for high school vocal ensembles, maintains a recording studio, and serves as a full-time coach for choruses and many award-winning quartets. Rob is also a certified Singing Judge for BHS. Robert has sung professionally with such groups as the Kansas City Chorale under Charles Bruffy, the Westminster Symphonic Choir and Westminster Choir.

Robert resides in Kansas City with his wife Kristin, an English teacher and 2022 Harmony Incorporated Quartet Champion.

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Coaching choruses and quartets
  • Vocal performance skills
  • Directing skills
  • Vocal production / unit sound
  • Voice pedagogy
  • Personal vocal instructions (PVIs)

Susanna McBride

Choreographer for Kansas City Chorus
Susanna McBride

Biography:  Susanna was brought into the Sweet Adelines world in 2006 when becoming a member of Greenville In Harmony (now Vocal Matrix) in Region 14. While there, she was Team Lead on their visual/choreography team. Also, while in Region 14, Susanna was the choreographer for the men’s barbershop chorus, Palmetto Statesmen, helping to bring their Presentation score level up.

When moving to Kansas City in 2016, she joined the Kansas City Chorus and quickly became the choreographer and helped to consistently improve their visual scores. Her choruses have competed at the international level multiple times. She has worked with The Heart of America men's chorus on their joint Holiday Show. Susanna has supported local high school quartets through the annual Harmony Explosion Contest as Performance Judge.

Additional experiences include leading and coaching choregraphy for drill teams and musicals while in high school and college. Susanna is currently the Lead of Lucky Day Quartet. 

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Coaching choruses and quartets
  • Characterization, Expression and storytelling
  • Choreography and visual

Annette Wallace

Director of Acappella Omaha Chorus
Master Faculty Member for Region 5
Annette Wallace

Biography: Annette's barbershop experience goes back to 1990. She has served as lead section leader and website administrator before stepping out front as director. Annette received many regional quartet medals while singing lead in Fever! Quartet.

Annettee has a B.S. degree in Music Education, is a Sweet Adelines Certified Expression Judge, served as the 2017-2018 Education Director for Region 5 and most recently the 2020 recipient of the Spirit of the Midwest Lifetime Achievement Award.

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Chorus and quartet coaching
  • Vocal production / Sound / PVIs
  • Expression Category
  • Singing with Expression / Music Interpretation

Sandi Wright

Retired Master Director of St. Louis Harmony Chorus
Sandi Wright

Sandi is a member of Sweet Adelines International, Harmony Incorporated, and the Barbershop Harmony Society.  As a baritone singer she has earned two Sweet International Queen of Harmony gold medals (Tetrachords in 1978 and Ambiance in 1986) and six regional quartet championships in Sweet Adelines and two silvers and one bronze medal in Harmony Incorporated international competitions. 

Sandi is the only person certified as a competition judge in every North American barbershop organization.  She is certified in the Visual Communications Category with Sweet Adelines International and the Performance Category in Harmony Incorporated and Barbershop Harmony Society. She is a certified international faculty member of Sweet Adelines International.

Area of Expertise/Strengths:
  • Coaching choruses & quartets
  • Teaching (extensive class list available at
  • Judging Categories - You Be the Judge
  • Visual and Vocal Performance skills
  • Directing Skills
  • Rehearsal/Section Rehearsal Planning & Implementation
  • Training/Cultivating Music Leaders
  • Grant writing
  • Quartet Workshops
  • Marketing to Women of Today

The Leadership of Region 5 is committed to providing all members with education through coaching, teaching, and other educational activities provided by Regional Faculty. We strive to offer every member consistently strong, high-quality teaching skills from our Regional Faculty. To that end, we've developed the Regional Faculty Program and are continuing to build on-going training and support to help enrich our faculty's knowledge, instructional abilities, and presentation skills.


Spirit of the Midwest Region #5
Faculty Development and Improvement Program information
click here


If you are interested in serving as Regional Faculty, complete the Region 5 Education Faculty Application and email it as an attachment to: Michelle Hunget, Region 5 Education Coordinator at If you have any questions, please email Michelle at the above email address.
Region 5 Education Faculty Application: click here
International Funded Visit

Eighteen internationally-funded education visits to chartered chapters are allocated per year to Region 5. The focus of internationally-funded visits is education to both the musical and administrative areas, membership development, assessment of the health, stability and/or needs of the chorus, building relationship and connection with regional choruses and their members, and for discovering and developing potential leaders. Internationally-funded visits should not be used for "get acquainted" visits.

To request an international funded visit by one of Region 5 faculty members, please contact Michelle Hunget, Region 5 Education Coordinator at If you have any questions please reach out to Michelle.