Metro Mix Chorus Presents "Nostesia"

7:00pm, Sat, Oct 14 2023

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Chorus Show
    Start time: 7:00pm
    Venue: Ballantyne Auditorium
    Kirkwood Community College
    6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
    Description: Metro Mix Chorus Presents "Nostesia"

    Metro Mix Chorus Presents - "Nostesia"

    "Nostesia" ...when nostalgia and amnesia collide

    Metro U is having a reunion! There are so many memories from everyone's

    college days - but sometimes our memories are more rosy than the actual


    Our upcoming show will feature vignettes of memories of college years and

    the twists that come with inviting the reporter to memory lane! Was our swim
    team really as good as we remember? What about those fun dances, surely

    they were free of drama. right?? Is it nostalgia - or amnesia? Or a little of
